Sunday, January 29, 2012

First Belly Pics

P took these pictures of me in Niagara Falls on my birthday. 
I was 16 weeks.  

22 Weeks & Nursery

How far along?  22 weeks
Total weight gain:  15lbs
Maternity clothes:  Yes! they are saving my life. Keeping my boobs contained is another story.
Stretch marks: No, finished my second bottle of bio oil.  Fingers crossed!
Sleep: Still sleeping great.
Best moment this week: Deciding on Baby girl's name. I've been talking to her and saying her name and it fits perfect! I'm in love.  We're keeping it a secret until she arrives ;) muahaha!
Missing anything? Captain Morgan's and Coke, funneling beer and mmmm..  sushi.
Movement: Lots of strong kicks and punches.  Baby girl started dancing to the Beatles...well, she pretty much rocks out to all music.
Cravings: Cheesies, Multi-grain Cheerios and anything chocolate.
Anything making you queasy?  nope!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No, trying not to complain about the muscle aches, which will be nothing compared to labour.
Symptoms:  ligament pains and cramps.  She doesn't seem to care, she still kicks the crap outta me even though I'm hurting. I can't complain, I love feeling her move.
Belly button: In, but I can now see to the back of it for the first time in my life.  Cleaned out some super old fluff. ew
Emotions:  extra super happy!
Excited for:  Finishing my baby registry at Babies R Us.... It's actually been a blast.

Baby weighs ONE whole pound!

Baby Girl's Nursery Design
     This is what we've come up with so far for the nursery.  Which we're not even sure where the nursery will be, either here or in our new house, but at least we have ideas.  I have a feeling that I'll still be getting it ready when I go into labour.  Some of the items are from Sears and some are from Babies R Us...all on our case you were wondering ;).  You can check out all the hard work I put into carefully selecting really important things like diaper wipes and nipple cream... :S  It seriously took me hours!  Here are the links...

Monday, January 23, 2012

21 Weeks

Baby Repa is a GIRL!

How far along?  21 weeks
Total weight gain:  16lbs (holllyyyy thanks to the holidays!)
Maternity clothes: A few maternity shirts, now my belly doesn't stick out of the bottom like those fat, old men walking around this city.  They make me physically angry...if I can find clothes that fit, so can you! (prego rant for the day)
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: Still sleeping great.
Best moment this week:  Finding out that we are having a daughter and seeing how full and fat she looks.  The tech said she's 90% sure we have a baby girl.  Explains why she was so stubborn last time. I can't wait to put together a million little cute outfits. There's so many more things to be excited about baby girl's first bathing suits!!
Missing anything? my invite to our annual girls weekend in Darien Lake... I guess no one wants to be my labour coach on the floor of a trailer.  :(
Movement:  Baby girl is dancin' up a storm in there!  I can see her kicks from the outside if I stay real still.
Cravings:  Brownies, waffle bowl sundaes, cinnabons.
Anything making you queasy? Nope
Gender: Girl!
Labour Signs: no
Symptoms:  Mild hip pain if I stay on one side for too long.
Belly button: Getting shallower by the day.
Emotions:  Ecstatic and really warm and fuzzy.
Excited for:  Shopping!! and updating my registry for our little girl!

Baby Girl is as long as a carrot!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

20 Weeks - Half Way There!!

How far along?  20 weeks
Total weight gain:  11lbs
Maternity clothes: Finally bought some maternity clothes.  Maternity jeans are the most comfortable jeans... no more elastic button trick!
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: Still sleeping great.
Best moment this week:  Buying pants that fit!!  You can only get away with yoga pants for so long.  And working on my registry...picked out some awesome gear.
Missing anything? Drinking my face off with the girls and having exciting plans for the weekends.
Movement:  Little movements throughout the day.
Cravings:  I've been dreaming about cake.  I want baked goods 24/7.
Anything making you queasy? Nope
Gender: Unknown
Labour Signs: no
Symptoms:  Feeling really good actually, lots of energy.
Belly button: In, but starting to look a lot shallow.
Emotions:  Happy :)
Excited for:  feeling more movement on the outside and to finally show dad how weird it feels.  And our next ultrasound to find out the sex... it's killing me not knowing.

Baby is as long as a banana!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

19 Weeks

How far along?  19 weeks
Total weight gain:  10 lbs
Maternity clothes: I definitely need to do some shopping.  None of my pants, not even yoga pants, fit me without digging in to the baby and making both of us pretty uncomfortable.
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: Sleeping great, aside from never wanting to leave my bed earlier than 11am.
Best moment this week:  Starting to exercise again.  So far my motivated hasn't brought me to do anything but melt on my couch.  
Missing anything? Street meat hot dogs :(
Movement:  Felt my first outside kick! Such a cool feeling.
Cravings:  Chocolate milkshakes and Che Burritos.
Anything making you queasy? Nothing anymore :)...let the weight gain begin!
Gender: Unknown
Labour Signs: no
Symptoms:  Itchy belly and boobs...from all the stretching I guess.  Starting to feel like I can't get enough air in my lungs, space is getting limited.
Belly button: In, but starting to look a little shallow.
Emotions:  Happy :)
Excited for: Che Burritos tomorrow night for date night!! Yummm!!

Baby is the size of a small cantaloupe; weighing 8 1/2 ounces and 6 inches head to butt!

Monday, January 2, 2012

18 Weeks

 How far along?  18 weeks
Total weight gain:  10 lbs
Maternity clothes: The comfiest, warmest pants I can find.  After attempting to fit into dressy holiday clothes all week, I need a break!
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: I have so much energy now that it's hard to fall asleep some nights.  I'm using a body pillow to support my belly now.  Hubby still loves life. ;)
Best moment this week: Our first ultrasound!!  Seeing our not so little anymore baby kicking and punching and sucking it's thumb was totally surreal for me.
Missing anything? Skinny jeans.
Movement:  Lots of inside movement since the ultrasound.  Mostly when I'm lying in bed at night or in the mornings when I'm hungry.
Cravings:  Nothing really huge this week, although I love shrimp anything lately and Harvey's poutine.
Anything making you queasy? Raw meat... I'm feeling pretty happy with being partially vegetarian for a bit still.  Other than that my queasy level is definitely on the decline.
Gender: Since baby was being so stubborn on the day of the ultrasound, we were unable to tell the sex just yet.  I still think it's a boy.  We'll see in a couple more weeks!
Labour Signs: no
Symptoms:  I'm like the energizer bunny lately.  P can barely keep up with me and I was still the last one dancing at the New Years Eve party.  I'm sure this won't last forever, but I'm liking it.
Belly button: In, but starting to look a little shallow.
Emotions:  Happy and just overall content and relaxed.
Excited for: Grocery shopping tonight... and feeling good enough to start trying new recipes and cooking meals again!

Our Ultrasound was pretty exciting since it was the first time we got to see our little one.  Baby was moving all over the place and it was surprising that I couldn't feel it at all.  The tech said everything looked great. The spine, brain and heart were all normal and healthy.  The little fingers were the cutest part.  I think the baby has my nose already.