Sunday, February 26, 2012

26 Weeks

How far along?  26 weeks
Total weight gain:  20lbs
Maternity clothes:  Yup...can't wait to go spring shopping.  I'm getting pretty sick of tights.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping much better this week.
Best moment this week: Finding our house and having our offer accepted.
Missing anything? alcohol of any kind...and getting ridiculous with friends.
Movement: Lots of movement.  She likes to bunch up on one side of my belly.  It's obvious on the outside because she makes my belly look completely lopsided.
Cravings: still fruit and now pepsi... which I'm trying to avoid since learning that pepsi makes me way too hyper for P's liking...and the cats think I've gone crazy.
Anything making you queasy?  I'm starting to dislike coffee again.  boo!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No
Symptoms: Back pain and it's hard to get comfortable now...watching movies on the couch just isn't the same.
Belly button: In...getting shallower by they minute.
Emotions:  Happy and anxious to get this house!
Excited for:  Getting the financing for our new home.
Baby is the size of an English cucumber!

25 Weeks

How far along?  25 weeks
Total weight gain:  19 lbs
Maternity clothes:  Yupp
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: I hated sleep this week.  Back pain made it impossible to turn over without holy shit excruciating pain.
Best moment this week: Eating all the chocolate for Valentine's Day.
Missing anything? Being able to shave my legs...and other's becoming a serious problem.
Movement: Lots of big movements... making everyone feel baby girl kick is pretty entertaining.
Cravings: nothing particular lately... still lots of fruit.
Anything making you queasy?  nope!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No
Symptoms:  Sprained my SI joint hiking...and I doubt labour will be as painful as that....ok maybe I'm exaggerating but the pain was so intense it sent my blood pressure through the roof.  From now on I will be taking it easy.
Belly button: In
Emotions:  Happy!
Excited for: Shopping this weekend for some tiny clothes.
Baby is the size of an eggplant.

Friday, February 17, 2012

24 Weeks

How far along?  24 weeks
Total weight gain:  19lbs
Maternity clothes:  ohhhh Yes
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping okay.  Woke up with some serious cramps, which I thought were contractions, after a trip to labour & delivery...turns out it was just a good old UTI. fml
Best moment this week: Feeling baby girl's hiccups!  I wasn't sure what the feeling was at first, but it made me laugh hard enough to wake up Dad.
Missing anything? awesome sex...not gonna lie. (sorry mom)
Movement: Lots of strong rib jabs.
Cravings: fruit, smoothies and juice.
Anything making you queasy?  nope!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No
Symptoms:  some lower back pain...nothing too bad.
Belly button: In...getting super shallow.
Emotions:  Happy!
Excited for:  Finding our new home.
Baby is the size of an ear of corn!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along?  23 weeks
Total weight gain:  15lbs
Maternity clothes:  Yes
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping okay.  I switch sides 100 times a night.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby girl try and kick the monitor off my belly at our check up.  She's super strong.
Missing anything? Going for runs, working up a sweat in general, all inclusive winter vacation.
Movement: Lots every day.
Cravings: Poutine
Anything making you queasy?  nope!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No
Symptoms:  Ligament pains and cramps
Belly button: In
Emotions:  Happy!
Excited for:  Finishing baby girls toy chest.  I refinished it and painted it to match her nursery, should look pretty cute.
Baby is the size of a large mango....Yummm!