How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 20lbs
Maternity clothes: Yup...can't wait to go spring shopping. I'm getting pretty sick of tights.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping much better this week.
Best moment this week: Finding our house and having our offer accepted.
Missing anything? alcohol of any kind...and getting ridiculous with friends.
Movement: Lots of movement. She likes to bunch up on one side of my belly. It's obvious on the outside because she makes my belly look completely lopsided.
Cravings: still fruit and now pepsi... which I'm trying to avoid since learning that pepsi makes me way too hyper for P's liking...and the cats think I've gone crazy.
Anything making you queasy? I'm starting to dislike coffee again. boo!
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: No
Symptoms: Back pain and it's hard to get comfortable now...watching movies on the couch just isn't the same.
Belly button: In...getting shallower by they minute.
Emotions: Happy and anxious to get this house!
Excited for: Getting the financing for our new home.
Baby is the size of an English cucumber!