Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hospital Bags

I figure now would be a good time to get started on this after the panic of the last 48 hours...

Momma's Hospital Bag
  • Track pants & Pajama Pants 
  • Light Wrap Sweater
  • 2 Nursing Tanks (w/ built in bra)
  • 5 Underwear
  • Nursing Bra
  • 3 Socks
  • Slippers & Flip Flops
  • Pillow & Body Pillow
  • Toiletries - toothbrush & paste; brush; travel shampoo, conditioner, soap & face wipes, cream,  makeup; lip balm; headband; elastics; lanolin; overnight pads
  • Blow dryer 
  • iPhone, Charger & Phone Numbers
Baby Girl's Hospital Bag
  • Going home outfit 
  • Onesie & Warm Pants
  • Mittens
  • Socks
  • Cap
  • Nursing Pillow
  • 2 Receiving Blankets
Daddy's Hospital Bag 
  • Track Pants
  • Boxers
  • Socks
  • Hoodie
  • T-Shirts
  • Slippers
  • Pillow
  • Camera
  • Cell Phone, Charger & Numbers
  • Toiletries - toothbrush, contacts & solution, glasses
  • Snacks - trail mix, granola bars, gum
  • Car Seat
  • Blanket

Labour Scare & Awesome Surprise!

     The last 24 hours have been a big insane jumble of emotions for us.  At around 3pm on Thursday I started having contractions, which I thought were just some pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions at first.  We decided I should go in and get checked out around 5 o'clock when they got a little worse.  They admitted me right away and hooked me up and checked me and saw that I was dilated to 1cm.  Which wasn't a big deal at this point as long as I didn't progress and further.  They decided to monitor me for another 4 hours to see if I dilated any more.  In the mean time I continued to have pretty strong contractions every minute, lasting about a minute long.  I was in the first stages of real labour.  Real contractions are nothing at all like the Braxton Hicks that I've been feeling for a month now.  My belly was rock hard and distorted and the pain radiated into my hips and back.  

     After an ultrasound, some bloodwork and a steroid shot to strengthen baby girls lungs in case she was born that night, they checked me again and I was dilated about .5cm further.  This is when I started to panic and they told me they would be keeping me over night.  I was an emotional wreck and all I could think about was how she wasn't ready yet, we weren't ready yet.  I just couldn't get the thought of our sweet baby girl coming out at 4lbs.  Which is what they guessed she would weigh at 32 weeks.  The doctors did everything to make sure that wouldn't happen.  They gave me medicinal patches to lower my blood pressure, stop the contractions, and hopefully prevent active labour.  I was admitted over night and sent Dad home to get some stuff for us and prepare for whatever was going to happen.  At this point we didn't even have diapers or a blanket for her... we expected to have another 8 weeks to prepare for this night.  

     Over the next 6 hours I had contractions that were definitely getting worse, and a million thoughts rushing through my head.  Eventually exhausted, with Dad trying to get some rest in a really uncomfortable looking recliner beside me, my contractions lessened and I fell asleep for an hour or so.  When I woke up my contractions had stopped and they unhooked me from the monitors so I could get some rest.  After a couple hours of light sleep the nurses came in to remove one patch at a time and see if I was going to start having contractions again.  This was our moment of truth. 

     They sent me for another ultrasound to make sure I hadn't dilated any further and to check on our baby girl.  This was what felt like the best morning of my life so far.  I hadn't dilated any further and we were told that our little one wasn't as little as we had worried about.  She is about 5lbs now, with a full head of fluffy looking hair, my nose of all...she's in the perfect position with her head down, but not too low.  They decided she was happy and content with sticking around for at least a little longer.  I sobbed and laughed and felt big time relieved.

And...they gave me food... :):)

     Later that afternoon, I got a second steroid shot for her lungs just in case she decided to try to come early again, and we were sent home for some much needed rest.

     What a crazy, eye-opening experience.  I guess I never realized how quickly things can change and how just because you picture in your head how things are going to happen, doesn't mean they will always work out that way.  We are just so lucky and grateful that Baby Girl is going to have a little longer inside to fatten up. ...I guess I really wasn't ready to let her go yet.

     We're also extremely lucky to have such supportive people in our lives.  Without you guys and your positive thoughts, I would be an even bigger wreck than I already am sometimes.  I'm so grateful for every one of you.  Most importantly, I've watched a boy turn into a brilliantly supportive and understanding man over the last year.  You've completely blown any expectations that I thought I'd had of the father of my babies out of the water.  I can't thank you enough for giving me the life I've always dreamed of.  <3

On a happier note... 

     When we got home from the hospital there was a package waiting for us outside our door.  It was a gift from my Aunt & Uncle.  She must have known that I'd need a little uplifting that night because when I opened the package, I started sobbing at all the cute outfits she had gotten Baby Girl...things that she wouldn't even have come close to fitting in if she had been born the night before.  These are the CUTEST onesies I have ever seen and totally my style....can't wait to put a chubby baby into them!  

LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT! ...elephants are my favourite!


love the ruffles on her bum! ...  and JEANS!

so sweet...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hi Baby

Sweet Baby Girl,
The day when I finally get to meet you is growing closer. I know you're probably feeling pretty crowded in there but I'm not ready for you to leave my belly so soon.  This short time in your life when I get you all to myself has sped by too fast, and although I can't wait to see if you have your Daddy's beautiful eyes, I'm afraid I'm going to miss our alone time.  You seem to be enjoying yourself in there so feel free to stay tucked away until you're nice and ready to meet your world.  Your Daddy will be painting your nursery soon so we can help you feel warm and welcome in our new home.  He loves you so much and I can tell that you already have him wrapped around your little finger.  He read you your first bed time story the other night and you must love hearing his voice because you get really calm and relaxed when he talks to you.   
The three of us are already something special.
Love, Momma

32 Weeks

How far along?  32 weeks
Total weight gain:  28lbs
Maternity clothes:  yup!
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping so good
Best moment this week: Cooking turkey dinner for my family... I finally learned...I even removed all the parts...and didn't even throw up!
Movement: Constant movement!... I'm starting to feel her little bum when she's all bunched up on one side.  She moves so much that when she's asleep I try really hard not to wake her so I can get a break for a few minutes.
Cravings: Chicken wings.  I've actually become ravishingly hungry this week... I'm like a bottomless pit and I can't get full.  I guess having a mild appetite this whole time is now catching up to me.  Good thing I've almost reached my high end for weight gain.  Just talking about it has made me hungry... I need to order a pizza stat.
Anything making you queasy? Nothing
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: A few Braxton hicks here and there.
Symptoms: Feeling amazing... being pregnant has been a pretty sweet gig...  except that I pee my pants every time I sneeze... Dad thinks it's hilarious.
Belly button: Flat...not sure if it's going to pop out or not.
Emotions:  Completely content. :) I just smile all the time now.
Excited for:  Our closing date on our home and only 30 more days of work!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

31 Weeks

...Baby Repa is HUGE! ... or...Maybe we're having twins after all....Yikes!
How far along?  31 weeks
Total weight gain:  24lbs
Maternity clothes:  yup!
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week: Checking out the Maya exhibit in T.O and finally eating the hot dog I've wanted from Memphis Fire BBQ... this might just be the highlight of my life up until now! ...or at least it felt that way at the time.
Movement: Lots of movement...especially when she hears the Beatles.. I'm going to miss feeling her moving around inside.
Cravings: Fish & Chips
Anything making you queasy? Nothing
Gender: Girl
Labour Signs: none this week...although I tricked Dad into thinking I was in labour for April Fools Day... seriously not nice.
Symptoms: Feeling really good... I can't believe baby girl will be here in 9 weeks.  Time is flying by.
Belly button: Flat as a pancake.
Emotions:  Anxious ... excited to move and finally get baby girl's nursery in order so I can relax.  Other than that I feel pretty amazing.  I've loved being pregnant and I'm really lucky that I feel so great.
Excited for:  Getting my crib and putting it together.