Saturday, December 3, 2011

14 Weeks

How far along?  14 weeks
Total weight gain:  5 lbs
Maternity clothes:  tights, yoga pants, still fitting in my skinny jeans, but only by using the elastic trick... trying to figure out what to wear for Christmas parties.
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: waking up 2-3 times a night to pee and get a drink..juice not water since i always have a horrible taste in my mouth.
Best moment this week: feeling baby move.  Apparently he/she doesn't like the laptop digging into my belly.  I laughed and cried a lot.
Missing anything?  beer! and wine... even the smell makes my mouth water.
Movement:  a few little flutters usually when i get into bed at night.
Cravings:  nothing really.
Anything making you queasy?  cooking red meat, coffee.
Gender: still waiting to find out
Labour Signs: no
Symptoms: headaches, metal taste.
Belly button: In
Emotions:  Happy! :)... even for me, I'm exceptionally smiley.
Excited for:  feeling the baby move more, and for the ultrasound in about 3 weeks!  Also for my birthday... getting a hotel with a Jacuzzi in Niagara Falls.. can't wait for a bubble bath.

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