C's been having a super hard time with her teeth. My once happy, smiley, sleeps-through-the-night, baby now cries all day and refuses to nap or fall asleep for the night. That's what we've been dealing with the past few weeks, until a
genius mom instagrammed a life saving pic of her handsom man wearing an amber teething necklace.
I rushed out, tracked one down, and strung it around C's neck, and I shit you not, within 30 minutes my baby was back to her awesome self. I did a whole bunch of research on them and obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just wanted to be in the know before I tried it... and... HOLY MIRACLE BEADS!
Here's how it went down...
I put the necklace on C at around 5:30pm (usually her fussiest time of the day). Plus we were at Lowe's buying really exciting things for the house, like new doorknobs. No distracting devices (ie. soothers, teethers, my scarf) were needed once that necklace was nestled under her chin. She sat in the cart, like a big girl, for an entire hour and occupied herself while we shopped.
Weird right?...I didn't think this mystery necklace would take effect so quickly and I wasn't about to question it either.
This place is great! Can we come here every day?! ...yes, unfortunately we can. |
That night, I took the necklace off her during bathtime, and we decided to wrap it around her ankle for the first night just to be safe. She had a hard time getting to sleep that night. We think she was uncomfortable with the weird, hard thing digging into her ankle, so we took it off.
The next day, the necklace went back on and she wore it for both of her 90 minute long naps. (Win!) We decided to put her to bed for the night with the necklace on. After countless google searches, and reading that most moms leave the necklace on 24/7, we tucked the necklace underneath her undershirt and sleeper, and checked on her every hour or so just to be safe.
Looking quite hipster these days. |
She slept great!!! I mean perfect, like she used to. From 7pm to 4am, when she woke for a quick bottle, and fell right back to sleep until 8am.
Relief at last! |
C hasn't been fussy or whiney during the day, she occupies herself during play time, and she goes down at night without acetaminophen or ibuprofen. This thing is AMAZING!!. I kind of want an adult size one for myself. I feel like I say that about most of her things... how sweet would a jumbo size bumbo chair or jolly jumper be? Like really...
Just doin' my thang. |
But honestly, thank god for moms who share awesome information, and amber teething necklaces.
Halleluja Amen
I guess it's a little different for me because clearly I have a boy and baby boys don't wear necklaces but I kind of love staring at him and seeing him wear his little hippy necklace! It makes me giggle! I'm so SO glad the necklace is working for you all! We let Mac nap with his on but my husband (the least worrier out of THE WHOLE WORLD) won't let him sleep with it on.. which.. to me? defeats the purpose. ha! I'm working on him though.... Have a great weekend!