Thursday, February 14, 2013

One Year Ago... **sapfest alert**

One year ago, I was feeling what I imagined was the happiest I could ever possibly feel. I was getting used to my big belly and all the little ways C let me know she was happy in there too.  I was pretty high on life.

I was experiencing pregnancy for the first time while continuing to grow closer to the person I loved.  Little did I know that it was just the beginning and it was about to get hella better (again... who freakin says that?!... it's a slight addiction, and I already know I need to stop, so I'm not in denial, I'm past that step, but it's just hard to kick okay).  I always picture my heart dancing around, complete with finger dance moves, when I think about how I cashed in huge on this guy.

Life changed quickly. We landed our first home, I quit my job for a more important one, and we dove headfirst into parenthood.

If there's anything that can make you love someone more than becoming a Mom and Dad together, I have yet to experience it.  It's the best journey to take with the person you hope to spend the rest of your life with.  What an adventure it's been.

I mean, we knew we had love for eachother, but we had no idea that we would compliment each other as parents so perfectly, let alone refrain from killing each other during the tough times. I think we're doing alright.  :)

To the man who gave me the world, I love you for everything you are.

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