Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Weeks

I'm baaaaaaack and pregnant with Baby R #2 who is due In September. I'm beyond excited to be starting up this baby blog again and I can't wait to start comparing the differences between my pregnancies.      Thanks for riding this crazy roller coaster with me all over again!

I'm not sure if it's even possible, but I knew I was pregnant the second it happened.  The hubs and I decided that we were going to stop 'not-trying' in November and we made this little babe on the night of my 26th Birthday, December 17th.  Happy Birthday to me! ;)

I tried taking a handful of pregnancy tests WAY too early and of course got a negative every time.  But I KNEW.  I was bloated and starving all the time.  I also started having random nosebleeds a few times a day.  I finally got a positive test the day after New Years day.  That's pretty much when I began eating like a horse and asking for nightly foot rubs... it's pretty much been a love/love relationship ever since.  I'm in LOVE with being pregnant.  Except that I really miss wine.

How far along?  10 weeks
Total weight gain:  2 lbs... here we go again.
Maternity clothes:  Still in my normal clothes.  Jeans are getting a little snug.
Stretch marks: No way! Hoping to fight them off this time around as well.
Sleep: Sleeping great... except that 10 hours a night plus an hour long nap just isn't enough.
Best moment this week: Sharing the news with our families and friends! It's nice to have somewhat planned this pregnancy and to also somewhat have our shit together this time around, so we weren't as terrified to tell our parents.
Movement: None yet.  But I've read that it happens much earlier the second time around.  Can't wait!
Cravings:  Nothing specific yet. Just really hungry all the time.  Mostly enjoying smoothies, pastries, and all things carbohydrate.
Anything making you queasy? Morning sickness is pretty much nonexistent this time around.  I am really lucking out so far.  I get a little bit queasy thinking about coffee, which I haven't been crazy about for a few weeks.
Gender: We are hoping to find out what we are having again, I believe that happens around 20 weeks.  I would love for C to have a baby sister, but the hubs of course wants a mini him.  I'm happy with a healthy, great sleeping baby. :)
Labour Signs: n/a
Symptoms:  Bloating, itchy belly, breakouts, I was pretty tired for a while but that seems to have subsided.
Belly button: Cleaned out some old lint from the last time.  Disgusting.
Emotions:  Excited and nervous.  I can't believe I'll be a mom to two year old and a new born. Yikes!
Excited for:  My next appointment with my midwife.  I was lucky enough to get one this time around and I love her already.  It's a really good feeling to see someone every month who actually cares about your wellbeing.  I had a terrible experience with my OBGyn and did not want to have to go that route again.  

Baby is the size of a Lime

new signature

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