Monday, February 24, 2014

12 Weeks

How far along?  12 weeks
Total weight gain:  2lbs
Maternity clothes:  Just lots of comfy and warm stuff.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeping great.
Best moment this week: Canada winning gold in Men's and Women's hockey! (and all the candy eating during the games)
Movement: A few flutters here and there if I'm lying really still.  Also could still just be gas.
Cravings: Cherry Pepsi, bulk candy is my BFF, any type of baked good...looks like I'm headed in the same directed as last time as far as weight gain.  It's best if I don't talk about it. ;)
Anything making you queasy? Nothing at all.
Gender: Unknown.
Labour Signs: Nope
Symptoms:  It's been so strange to me that I've had VERY few symptoms this time around.  It even got me a little worried but after a quick google search, I've been assured that it's pretty normal and that I should just be counting my lucky stars I'm not hunched over the toilet this time around.  I feel fantastic and I have tons of energy.  Just keeping my fingers crossed that I stay like this for a little while longer...or the entire time...I'd be good with that too.  The few symptoms that I do have include, sore boobs, mood swings, and my face looks not unlike a teenage boys.  I'll take it!
Belly button: Just ew.
Emotions:  Ups and downs all day long.  Hubby hasn't killed me yet.
Excited for:  Some warmer weather.  I am sick of being cooped up inside and feeling like a popsicle all day long.  Can't wait to do some spring/ summer shopping.  I imagine myself to be living in maxi dresses and sun hats all the rest of my days.

Baby is the size of a Peach!

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